Monday, December 30, 2013

OMG Today I found out I am Pregnant! December 30, 2013

Let me start from the beginning.  I just got married this year, February 19, 2013 to be exact.  I didn't move to Florida where my husband is stationed until June 1, 2013.  My husband has been wanting to start a family for a very long time.  As for me I have been back and forth on that idea.  He would have been happy starting a family well before we got married.  It wasn't until December 2013, about 10 months into our marriage that I finally decided that I wanted to TTC!  At the time I finally made that decision my husband was out to sea for a month.  He didn't come home until December 18, which was a day earlier then expected.  Lets just say we got to baby dancing immediately.  We baby danced December 18, 19, and 21.  That's it!  I have been on and off the Pill since June. I would take the pill every month but not everyday, I had my own lil method going on LOL.  That method I had seemed to work plus I wouldn't take the Pill when he wasn't home and he seemed to be gone at some point every month due to his job.  So in all honesty we didn't expect that the very first time that we would intentionally actually try it would happen just like that, that quickly. It didn't just happen the first month we tried it literally happened the first day we tried.  Not only did it happen quickly I began having signs that I was pregnant immediately.
   The first day of my last period was November 30, 2013.  So as far as I know I wasn't suppose to be ovulating/fertile on the days we baby danced.  BUT December 21-22nd I had the worst cramps of my life.  I didn't know what is was at first.  I was driving and I just kept telling my husband that I was having a stomach ache, sharp shooting pains.  He was the one that then asked whether it was period cramps.  I then thought to myself well it might be, because I knew I was suppose to be getting period at the end of the month.  I also thought that it was way too early to be getting period cramps because my period wasn't due till the 28th and I typically get cramps a day before.  I also thought that if they  are period cramps they are different then any cramps I have ever felt before.  The next thought was hmmm is this implantation cramping?  I researched that implantation usually happens 7 days after conception so I thought well its too early for that too.  So I was just very confused.  Along with the cramps I began experiencing breast tenderness and swelling.  That's also typical PMS signs for me as well.   Since I had no idea what was going on I took a dollar store pregnancy test  on December 27, after over 10 mins later I saw a very very very slight positive, I honestly thought it was just an evaporation line. December 28 I saw a darker positive, but it was still very faint so I still thought it was yet another evaporation line.  Today Decmber 30th I decided to buy Clear Blue test.  Today is when it finally became clear to us that we got pregnant on our very first try!  So I am very certain I got pregnant the very first day my husband came home on December 18th!.  So according to that date I think I am 3 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Also according to that date I am due September 11th 2014.  But I have no idea what date a Doctor would go off of.  If they go off of the first day of my last period I think I would be considered further along.  But it is very clear that the only possible days for conception are the 18, 19, and 21st because those were the only days that baby dancing happened.
    I am in shock.  It hasn't hit me yet and probably won't hit me until I take more tests and see more clear and obvious positives.  And it will for sure hit me when I go for my first doctors appointment.  Funny thing is in 2 days we leave for our honeymoon to Puerto Rico (Late Then Never). At least I know to be super careful while I am there because there is a baby in my belly!  More updates are soon to come but I will leave you with the 3 pregnancy tests that I have taken thus far.

Only symptoms I have had thus far is implantation cramps, breast tenderness and swelling, and some serious gas and bloating.  TMI but I also do the #2 way more often then I used to.

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