Friday, January 10, 2014

4 weeks & 2 Days Update

Starting weight - 147-150

I still haven't started a video vlog, but I plan to as soon as I get around to it.  So much has changed since my last update.  I actually feel pregnant now.  I don't just have enlarged painful breasts but I also now feel extremely tired.  I just got back from a 1 week honeymoon in Puerto Rico 2 days ago so I am beyond exhausted from that.  Add to that I am in my first trimester and I feel like I have not slept in a month.
We left for PR January 1 and stayed until January 8.  From the moment I got there I noticed that I was having very faint cramps.  Not painful, nothing like period cramps, but cramps non the less.  It actually worried me a lot a first. I constantly checked my underwear in fear that I would start bleeding and lose the baby.  At night I normally drink 2-4 glasses of water before bed but I noticed when ever I tried to do that I would get terrible stomach pains so I quickly stopped downing so much water at one time.  I checked baby center and WebMD and realized mild cramps in the first trimester is completely normal but I will never get used to that feeling and will always fear miscarriage when cramps start up. 
I know most women say they often forget they are pregnant in their first trimester because they have no belly, but I feel like the random faint cramps along with huge swollen painful breast are constant reminder. To add to that around 4 days after I got to PR I began feeling extremely tired.  I pushed myself as much as I could because I wanted to enjoy my time there.  I was always motivated to wake up at the crack of dawn and begin my day and stay out as late as I could but by my last 2 days there I literally couldn't move and get out of bed anymore.  I even had to cancel our last trip to downtown San Juan because I was just too darn tired.  The first 2 times we went downtown it was nighttime so I didn't take any pictures so I was so determined to go downtown during the day so I could get some good pictures.  But that's how tired I was, I never made it back there on our last day, I am so sad not to have any pictures from downtown San Juan. 
The last constant reminder I have that I am pregnant is I could not do any of the water sports, I could not do any rock climbing in the rainforest, I could not go horseback riding, and I could not go ATV riding. Basically every activity that was offered had a disclaimer that if you are pregnant you were not allowed to participate.  It didn't bother me though because I feel blessed to have a baby on the way.  Lastly I could not eat sushi, drink alcohol, I had to watch my caffeine intake, and I was constantly googling what I was allowed to consume, what products I am allowed to use on my skin, and what activities are safe for me to do.  Thank God Puerto Rico (especially our resort) is so beautiful I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the fact that I didn't get to do that much besides eat, relax on the beach and around the resort, hike, and walk around downtown. 
The day we flew back home was the first day I began to feel nauseous.  Being tired and nauseous is a pretty bad combination.  Everything I do feels like a major chore now. I suck on preggie pops that I got from Babys R Us when ever I feel queasy.  I do not feel that it works though lol. Today was the first day I could not get out of bed, felt the most tired I have ever felt in life, and felt like I wanted to vomit this morning.  Sometimes I feel really hungry but if I do not eat at that time then I tend to completely lose my appetite.  I had a late dinner today because my husband got home late from work, and by the time he got home I lost my appetite. I am trying really hard to eat better, including fruits and vegetables, and also cutting back on soda. 

I will leave you with pictures of my recent pregnancy purchases and some pictures of me on my honeymoon.  Basically what I looked like at 4-5 weeks preggers.

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