Sunday, January 19, 2014

Nausea is Killing Me

6 weeks and 4 days (I think)

I know the title of this post sounds a bit dramatic and I don't want this blog to become a place where I complain.  But then again I am going to be completely honest with yall.  I am experiencing extreme discomfort 24/7 as it relates to nausea, loss of appetite, bubble guts, extreme tiredness, and todays new development VOMITING! 2 day after we got back from our honeymoon my hubby went back to work, we then found out we would have to leave the following day to Norfolk, Va.  He had training there all week this past week.  We just got back from Norfolk on Saturday.  I didn't start feeling nauseous until we got to Norfolk.  I don't know what it was about being back up north but it was torture.  Being nauseous, the cold weather (which I am not used to anymore living in FL and just getting back from Puerto Rico), and living out of a hotel was no fun.  They were doing construction right outside our hotel so the strong smell of fresh asphault really got to me.  I could smell it even when we were inside our room.  The whole time we were there I tried to mostly just stay in bed.  We obviously had to go out to eat for every meal, and we went to see a movie twice, but beyond that I felt like I was bed bound.  Now that we are back to Florida I am for sure bed bound.  I just feel more sick then ever.  We have been back for 2 days and the nausea just continues to get worse.  My appetite continues to get worse as well.  I am at the point where all I can eat is soup.  For breakfast I try to eat eggs, bacon, sausage, and bread.  My hubby likes to cook a full out breakfast but it seems to always be a fail, I can never get even half of it down (I typically love his breakfasts).  For lunch I eat soup, and for dinner I have soup again.  I also have half of a homemade pizza bagel as well.  That's all I can stomach. BUT tonight after I ate some soup, I vomited immediately for the first time in this pregnancy.  I felt a bit of a relief from my nausea after but I am praying that vomiting won't become a new part of my daily routine.  The whole time I was in Norfolk my biggest fear was that I would vomit while I was out eating in a restaurant.  That is one of the reasons why I do not leave the house now because I feel like I can vomit at any moment.  Thank God I am not currently working!
My husband has been so helpful so far.  He is constantly catering to me, serving me breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed, and getting me anything else I need so that I do not have to get out of bed if I do not have the energy to do so.  I feel really bad though, since I am so nauseous and have no appetite eating is so difficult.  I do not feel like I am giving my baby a well balanced diet.  I always planned that the day I got pregnant I would eat lots of fruits, vegetables, ect. But I can't stomach anything and if I force it I will just gag and vomit it all up.  So at this point I just eat what I can.  They also say crackers are great to eat when your nauseous, but I can't really stomach that either.  I can force 4 crackers at the most then I am over it.  I really do not know what to do.  I just want some relief.
I just keep in mind that the most important thing is the health of this baby and I will go through any and everything I have to just to have an end result of just that.

1 comment:

  1. i spit with my daughter all the way until i had her. i carried a spit cup whereever i went and on side of the bed. i had to sleep with a towel under my head because i slober like nobody!!!!!! u must be having a girl!!!
