Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I know I have been gone for a very long time. So much has changed since my last update.  A lot has gotten worse, some things have stayed consistent, and other things have changed drastically.  I am sure there will be a lot that I will forget to mention since a lot has happened.  But let me get started.   I will try to go week by week.

Week 9 -  142-145lbs

   Nausea continued to be unbearable.  I continued to vomit every meal, snack, drink, and even vomited on an empty stomach.  Weakness continued.  But my appetite wasn't too bad, eating hadn't gotten difficult yet.  I ate a lot of soups, salads, fruit cups, fruit juices, fresh fruits, bagels, bread, cereals, eggs, and also bad stuff like pizza, Chinese food, bacon, sausage ect.  I basically ate what I craved along with trying to get as much healthy things in my body as I could.  Soup and salad was my favorite meals for the times I was most nauseous an found eating the hardest.  I take 2 Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins with DHA and Folic Acid a day.  At the time I thought I looked so bad, weak, and a hot mess but looking back I looked great in comparison to the way I look and feel now at my current week in pregnancy.  I was really surprised that I didn't lose that much weight at that time.  I guess my strong appetite really compensated for the amount that I was vomiting.  I think I was around 142-145lbs at this point.
  I ended up successfully changing my insurance to Tricare Standard, and luckily this week I got my first doctors appointment and ultrasound with a non-military doctor and facility.  This pregnancy will be more costly then we planned but it will be worth it because I will have more say in the prenatal care that I receive.  My first appointment was different then most peoples first appointments.  There is a good reason behind it but I will not get into that right now.  So in this appointment I just simply got an ultrasound and nothing else, basically because that is all I wanted!  I just wanted to know that there was a baby really in there, that there was a heart beat, and that the baby was doing great.  So that is what I got, I had a transvaginal ultrasound (due to me being still so early).  That was honestly surprising, I had never heard of that, and didn't expect that.  They basically stuck the ultrasound probe in my vagina to do the ultrasound.  Then there was the most amazing image and sound I have ever seen an heard.  A VERY BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY BABY!.
You can see the head, body, and arms/hands
We were all shocked by what we saw.  I was shocked, hubby was, doctor was, and the ultrasound tech also was.  The baby was actually waving at us.  Very clearly and very obviously just sitting there consistently waving.  It was just such a beautiful and exciting moment.  Heartbeat was also great and strong.  I can never remember official stats so I honestly don't remember any measurements or heart rate.  I tend to go into some other zone when ever I go to the doctor and leave not remembering anything but feeling beyond excited.  At some points especially at appointments, it still feels like this whole pregnancy is just a dream.  Still so surreal and probably will be until the day I give birth.

Week 13 - 132-133lbs

  Between week 9-13 things just got so much worse.  Now I do not want to sound like I am complaining because I am surely not.  I am being open, honest, and real.  At the end of the day I still feel really blessed because I have had no complications thus far just some very extreme preggo symptoms and side effects.  By my 13th week I lost a total of 18 lbs total from my pre-pregnancy starting weight. By this time I was down to 132-133lbs which was just insane to me.  Most people gain weight during pregnancy but here I am losing massive amounts of weight.  This is more proof of how much nausea and vomiting really started affecting me. By the middle of week 10 I also lost my appetite.  So here I am violently vomiting all day, hungry but can't eat, nauseous 24/7, getting weaker and weaker by the day, and losing drastic amounts of weight.  I can honestly say by this time this all began affecting my spirit, mentally I was very down, and emotionally I felt defeated.  I love this baby so much, I was in constant prayer for better days, but it just seemed like every day things were just getting worse and worse for me.  By this point my mom told me she had never seen or heard of anyone ever being as sick or weak as I was just from pregnancy.  My mom talked to everyone and anyone about me.  From friends to doctors because she just felt so worried for me, my body just was not handling pregnancy hormones well at all.  We all began to wonder, how is this baby going to possibly grow and be healthy when I vomit every bit of nutrition I put in my body.  From food to water to prenatal vitamins.  The nausea medicine the ER had given me had never worked so I pretty much just stopped taking it. By this point I wasn't leaving the house at all, I had no energy to.  My mom kept asking what in the world would I do if I had a job and worked outside of the home and had places I absolutely needed to be.  My body just wouldn't have been able to handle it.  The only time I left the house was for doctors appointments and that is when I would run all my errands.
   This was also the week  I had my 2nd ultrasound/prenatal appoinment which was also essentially really my first appointment. Yes week 13! You are probably wondering what's going on but the whole appointment issue is mostly related to my insurance and the fact that a lot of doctors do not accept it and once I got an appointment I had to wait a couple of weeks until she had an opening.  Anyways at this appointment I got another ultrasound, blood tests, urine tests, and a pap smear (all of this stuff usually happens at your very first prenatal appointment).  Baby was still doing well THANK GOD!!!  I expected to get a lot of bad news back from my urine tests, and blood testing because I expected to be severely vitamin deficient and dehydrated.  Thankfully that was not the case.  The only thing that I was deficient in was vitamin D, and pretty severely.  So I got a rapid replenishment vitamin D pills to take for that.  I got new prenatals prescribed to me.  I also got a higher dosage of Zofran prescribed to me since the lower dose was absolutely not working. The dosage is now 8MG.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum  (HG) - a complication of pregnancy characterized by intractable nausea, vomiting, and dehydration and is estimated to affect .5% - 2% of pregnant women.  Hyperemesis gravidarum tends to occur in the first trimester of pregnancy and last significantly longer than normal.  Most women experience relief of morning sickness after the first trimester but women who have hyperemesis gravidarum will experience severe symptoms until they give birth to their baby, and sometimes even after birth. 
  I am not one that wants to ever claim a sickness that I have not officially been diagnosed with.  But to me it is quit clear to me that I have this.  I pray that I don't but based on my symptoms and research, what I am going through seems quit severe and very similar to HG.  Earlier in my pregnancy when I made a visit to the Military ER the doctor quickly talked about HG with me and sent me home with a paper that described and explained HG, I do not know if that was his way of diagnosing me with it.

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