Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pregnancy Sickness and Phobias

Weeks 14-18

Weight: 132-133 (still 18 lbs down from my pre-pregnancy weight)
All this started actually around week 11 but continued through week 18.  Anyone who knows me knows I love having my hair done, nails done, face made up, heels on, and I like to dress nicely.  Due to feeling down right sick, nauseous, exhausted, and honestly defeated I seemingly became a different person.  All the things that were normally part of my daily routine all just became intolerable.  I literally had a phobia of my own body and my own routines.  For a good 1-2 months I did not do my hair.  Not only did I not wash it, I did not comb it, I did not brush it.  And it wasn't like it was out of the way, braided up, and under a wig.  Nope it was in a low ponytail.  It sat in the same ponytail for months, since it hadn't been combed, brushed, or moisturized it matted up very badly.  I thought by the time I got around to being ok with doing my hair that it would dread up.  It got to the point where my mom helped me out moisturized my hair, brushed it, and put it back in the dirty ponytail because she just saw how sad and pittyful I looked and seemed.  I hadn't done my nails since the January 1, not a big deal but clearly so not me. I typically always have my nails did!  Next I had a real bad phobia of all facial products including face wash, face serums, face lotions, and acne treatments.  I could go days on end without washing my face or doing anything at all to it.  During the first month of my pregnancy my face was abdormally dry.  But by the 11th week all that changed, I had never seen so much grease before in my life.  My face would get so greasy to the point it felt sticky.  So having a phobia of my face and facial products along with the excessive grease completely ruined my skin.  Since I wasn't washing my face on the regular or taking care of it I know have terrible cystic acne, black heads, white head, and rash ontop of all of that.  There is not one centimeter of my face that is clear of bumps.  The bumpiness only made my phobia of the skin on my face even worse.  When I tell yall I was a mess, I truly mean I was a mess. Next I had excessively dry lips, to the point where I had thick scabes of dry skin all over my lips that I could not pull off.  I also didn't treat it with lip treatments because I had a phobia of the way that feels and smells so my lips just continued to get worse and worse.  The last thing that drove me nuts during these agonizingly dreadful weeks was the fact that I had excessive saliva and a tart stale taste constinatly in my mouth.  No matter what I ate, or how many times I brushed my teeth none of this would go away.  This only exaserbated my nausea and vomiting, yall you have no idea!

Other symptoms include:

-Chills, I was always cold (I needed heat and a sweater even when it was warm out)
-Random sharp pains near my hernia repair site near my lower abdomen, usually when I would make sharp quick moves
-Breasts were no longer tender but the tenderness was focused in my nipples.  Also my nipples grew extremely large, larger then a silver dollar. 
-Breasts grew 2 cup sizes, from a C cup to a DD cup
-Constipation started, in the first weeks or months of my pregnancy I had diarrhea so this was new to me
-Excessive snot and mucus in my nose and throat which was exaserbated by the constant and consistant vomiting
-Hate the scent of everything especially lotions, perfumes, oils ect. 
-No belly bump whats so ever!
-Low appetite, mostly graved sandwhiches, subs, and pastas
-Vomit 1-4 times a day
-Prenate Mini prenatal vitamin pills that were prescribed to me by my doctor caused immediate vomiting and a metal taste in my mouth. I had to discontinue use of it and go back to my gummy prenatal chewable vitamins
-Absolutely hated water!! All I could drink were juices and I would go through phases.  One moment I only wanted apple juice, then only milk, then only sweet tea, then only kool-aid, then only grape juice.  And I could only drink if more then half of my glass was filled with ice. 

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