Sunday, April 20, 2014

Weight Gain: I Finally Have a Baby BUMP!!!


Week 19
Weight: 134-138

I had a prenatal appointment.  In this week I had a transvaginal ultrasound to check the size of my cervix to ensure that it would be competent to sustain the pregnancy.  I then had a regular belly ultrasound that seemed to last forever.  A good 15-30 minute long ultrasound.  She measured all of babies body parts. She measured and took ultrasound pics of the head, feet, abdomen, hands, arms, legs ect.  She also checked the different vessels and compartments of the heart.  Everything checked out well.  I ALSO FOUND OUT THE SEX!!!  By now I feel movements but during the ultrasound the baby flipped from face up to face down and I was surprised I didn't feel that at all.  Baby flipped to face down and placed one hand behind its back as if to say that's enough leave me alone now.  It was so cute and funny to see. Here are a couple of ultrasounds.  One thing that I have noticed is that our ultrasounds aren't as clear as I would like them to be or as clear as I have seen others.  I can't tell if that is a result of the baby moving too much or if their ultrasound machines just suck.  But I want some better and more clear pictures of babies profile.

Week 20
Weight: 138-141 lbs (finally have gained some weight back, now I am only 10-12 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight)

All I can say is Thank You Jesus!!!!! I am finally no longer deathly sick.  I feel so much better!!! I still get sick and still get nauseous on the regular but I am soooooo much better then I was for the last 2-3 months.  I now go a good 1-2 days without vomiting.  But yes the vomiting always does return.  Having a day here and there without vomiting is such an improvement for me.  As a result of less nausea and vomiting my appetite has returned.  I have finally started gaining weight and I FINALLY have a baby bump.  I literally went from having a completely flat stomach in the previous weeks to now having a mini baby bump.  Its just so exciting!.  Constipation continues to get worse.  I started having some really really bad stomach aches.  The very first time I experienced this intense stomach ache I didn't know what it was and I got really scared that something might be wrong with my pregnancy.  It first started really late one night, so I thought if I woke up with the same pain and if it lasted throughout the day I would call my doctor.  I woke up the next morning with the same pains, I actually barely slept.  The pain was just so intense in the lower part of my stomach.  I the realized I hadn't had a bowl movement in at least a week.  So I went to try to use the bathroom, nothing came out I was still constipated.  It then clicked that the pains were related to the fact that I hadn't been to the bathroom in at least a week and that I needed to sit on the toilet as long as I needed to so that I could have a bowl movement.  Finally by midday I was able to use the bathroom and experienced some relief from the pains, but then they quickly returned by afternoon.  I was off to the toilet again, by the end of the night I had about 3-4 bowl movements.  Since then I have continued to experience really bad stomach pains when I don't have a bowl movement on a regular basis or force myself to regardless of my constipation.  I have been eating prunes, and other foods with fiber to help out the situation.  But stomach pains from constipation are no joke. 


Bump Update 
 I really wish I had bump pictures for all the weeks leading up to week 20 but I don't.  I was too sick to worry about taking pictures. But week 20 is the week that I literally popped. I remember week 19 I had a very slight bump and previous to that I was absolutely not showing at all.  For so long I was sick and losing weight that I had a stomach that was actually flatter then it was before I had even gotten pregnant. 
- vomited on average every other day
- I still do not feel like myself, and I am still experiencing nausea at least once a day, but I feel way better then I had in previous weeks
- intense constipation that is accompanied with intense stomach aches
- my nails are growing like weeds, and are very strong even without the use of nail treatments
- my stomach is rock hard
- frequent baby kicks and movement especially in my lower stomach
- intense hunger and appetite.....always hungry. 
- sour/tart taste in my mouth, chewing gum is the only thing that gets rid of it
- always thirsty, drink ice water all day
- craving salty foods, but that has been what I have craved my entire pregnancy
-can only fit maternity pants or yoga pants.....pre-pregnancy jeans hurt and apply too much pressure to my baby bump and/or simply do not fit
- slight acne on my chest, and intense pregnancy acne on my face, makeup can't even hide it.
- my lips are no longer chapped
- my belly button keeps getting pushed further and further out, undeniable outie, and even be seen through clothing

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