Sunday, April 20, 2014

What Helped My Extreme Nausea and Vomitting (Hyperemesis Gravidarum)

From weeks 6-18 I had extreme nausea and vomiting.  On average I vomited 2-7 times a day.  I vomited everything from water to food to prenatal vitamins.  I even vomited acid whenever I had an empty stomach.  I tried almost everything recommeneded to me.  It got to the point where I got sick and tired of hearing recommendations because I most likely already had tried it, and/or couldn't stomach or tolerate it.  Anyone who has been pregnant knows you can have extreme adversions to certain things, actually a lot of things, so I got so annoyed with people recommending things that I had adversions to.  As a pregnant women, you would know that just because something helped you doesn't mean it will help me.  On top of that my nausea wasn't the average pregnancy nausea that most women experience, so what helps most people surely did not help me.

Things that did not help:

-Zofran prescription medicine 4 mg (dissolvable tablets)
-Preggie Pops (from Baby's R US
-Accupressure Wrist Bands (from Baby's R US)
-Fresh fruits and veggies (salads)
-Peppermint tea
-Ice and water
-Ginger (ginger ale)
-Carbonated drinks

Things that helped my nausea (pls note nothing stopped my vomiting completely but at least I went from vomiting 7 times a day to only vomiting once or twice a day):

-Zofran prescription medicine 8 mg (tablets to be swallowed with water)
-Small meals (never eat till you are full or stuffed)
-Sleep (can't vomit or feel nauseous during sleep, also helped to be sleep during morning and late night hours because that is when I felt most nauseous)
-Chewing gum (helped with the excessive siliva and tart taste in my mouth)

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