Sunday, May 11, 2014

21 Weeks Pregnant Update

Weight: 140-142
Stomach Measurement: 35''

Cravings: Hard Shell Tacos, Churros, Pepperoni Pizza, Trinidadian Fish Pastels, Ice Water, and Sushi (Fake or Cooked).  Anything salty
Linea Nigra: Yes, from below my belly button to my pubic area
Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans for sure or leggings, but I hope to never have to wear maternity top
Innie or Outie: Outie since the moment my belly popped

Symptoms:  Lower stomach pain as a result of intense constipation, tired and lethargic, I feel massive even though I am still pretty small, random nausea only a few days this week (still take Zofran when I feel nauseous), vomited only once when I ate too much too fast, hate the taste of any drink other then ice water, excessive saliva continues, massive heavy breasts (34-36 DD), nails are extra strong and extra long, and having to pee more frequently.

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