Saturday, May 24, 2014

24 Week Pregnancy update

Weight: 147
Belly Measurement: 35 1/2''
Cravings: Soft and hard shell tacos, enchiladas, Hispanic food

Although I am doing so much better then I had been previously.  This week I feel as though I regressed a bit.  I had quite a few days of nausea and vomited 2 days out of the week.  Exhaustion has continued to get worse.  I have also experienced swollen ankles for the very first time ever, and hopefully the very last as well.  Swollen ankles was a result of pulling an all nighter (blogging, watching tv, editing, and watching youtube), and sitting upright in the same exact position with my feet flat on the floor for hours.  Yes I literally didn't move from around 11am - 5am.  Not a good idea for an exhausted preggo women.  That's not even a good idea for someone who is not pregnant, it is never good to sit in the same position for hours on end.  My ankles to my toes swelled up.  I feel completely out of shape, I still can not stay out for more then about 2 hours without feeling like I will just pass out.  I try to do 50 squats at least 3 days a week but that is honestly the most I can do.  Other then that the only other workout I get is walking about a store shopping for baby, food, and things I need as a result of my forever changing body.

Oh Yea I want to find a new OBGYN, I go in depth about why in the video below :/

22- 23 Weeks Pregnant Update

Weight: 143-144
Belly Measurement: 35 inches

1. Maternity Clothes - Only jeans, everything else I can still wear in junior sizes medium or large. Leggings, Yoga Pants, and Maxi dresses are my favorite.  I can dress any outfit up with a blazer!

2. Stretch Marks - None Yet, Thank You Jesus!

3. Best Moment this week - We finally decided on a baby name that we sincerely think we will stick with, and I also got to hear from my hubby which is always a great thing.

4. Food Cravings - Sushi (cooked or fake), Trinidadian Fish Pastels (I will be one happy women when I can get some), Fish Sandwhich, Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese

5. Anything Make You Queasy or Sick - Strong scents, perfumes, and odors

6. Belly button in or out - Out since about week 19

7. Linea Negra - Yes, from my belly button to my pubic area....nothing above that yet. 

8. Wedding rings on or off - Been off since the start of my pregnancy.  My skin has become very sensitive so they now give me rashes.  I only wear jewelry when I go out or when I film a video.  Before pregnancy I used to only be allergic to fake jewelry but now I am allergic to all jewelry including real gold.

9.  Happy or moody - Been moody my whole pregnancy, I can cry a happy cry or sad cry about just about anything

10.  Looking Forward to -  Seeing my baby, holding my baby, loving on my baby, and taking care of my baby.  Also looking forward to my hubby coming home.

11. Total Weight Gain - None since my pre-pregnancy weight.  But about 8-10 lbs since all the weight I lost during pregnancy.  Back to around 144-146, my pre-pregnancy weight was 150, so I am still below that.

12.  Movement or Flutters - Movement for sure, I can feel it on both inside and outside of my belly.

13.  Out of Breathe - For sure, sitting up, walking, wearing clothing especially a bra which puts pressure on my tummy all gets me out of breathe quickly

22 Weeks

23 weeks


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

From the time I got married up until this very moment feels like a dream.  By no means is my life perfect, matter of fact its far from it.  But!!!  I feel like FINALLY all my life long dreams are coming to fruition.  Most people want to be Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers ect.  Most people dream about cars, houses, vacations ect.  Not that those dreams aren't just as important.  Obviously I've worked my butt off in school to obtain my Bachelors and Masters and want to be successful too.  It would also be wonderful to have some of the materialistic things that come with success.  My definition of true success has always been a bit different though.  I have always wanted to grow up to be the most amazing and selfless wife and mother!  All I ever really wanted was a family of my own.  This happens to be the one dream that is hardest to achieve because its not like everything else where you can work hard and put in long hours of studying to get where you want to be.  This dream is all left up to God and fate.  It doesn't happen until He thinks you are ready. There were plenty of times I thought I would never be deemed "ready" or worthy.  There were plenty of times I thought the one major dream I had since I was a very smallzz kid would never come to fruition or that I would have to wait a life time for the one thing that would truly bring me ultimate happiness.  So on this very day I am reminded of how blessed I truly am to have a mother that has been an amazing example, for a loving husband who works tirelessly to support his wife/family, and for the growing baby in my belly.  I feel like I finally have everything that I have ever wanted.  I STILL CAN NOT BELIEVE I AM A MOTHER TO BE!  Blessed beyond measure and grateful beyond words.  Thank you Jesus for my MOTHER, family, husband, and baby.

Maternity Below the Belly Pants, Jeans, and Leggings

Trying on Jeans at Old Navy at 21 weeks preggo
Currently 22 Weeks Pregnant!

I have had the hardest time finding below the belly maternity jeans.  Most maternity jeans/pants that are sold have the large panel that covers the entire belly and goes way up past your belly button.  To me that is beyond uncomfortable, restrictive, and hot.  Its spring/summer and I am trying to stay cool, and avoid the sticky and uncomfortable feeling.  Carrying around a heavy baby bump along with massive swollen breasts is enough.  Having a panel that covers my belly would just make everything that much worse.  Sadly it took 3 weeks of shopping online, in-store, and mall hopping to finally find what I wanted.  Old Navy and Gap are the places to go when it comes to below the belly maternity jeans/pants and online has the largest selection.  The fit and price point of Old Navy is honestly the best.  I am carrying completely in my midsection with no hips, no butt, no thighs ect.  So I found that a lot of maternity wear does not fit well for that reason.  Old Navy actually has maternity jeans for skinny girls like me for around $25-$36.  Gap has some pretty nice maternity jeans as well but there price point is a lot higher at about $70.  I also found that for that high price the jeans didn't fit any better then Old Navy's.  Pea in the Pod is the place to go for very expensive designer denim but for my growing belly and body I didn't think buying designer denim would be a wise decision.

Watch the video below to see my fav below the belly jeans/pants/leggings and how they fit!

21 Weeks Pregnant Update

Weight: 140-142
Stomach Measurement: 35''

Cravings: Hard Shell Tacos, Churros, Pepperoni Pizza, Trinidadian Fish Pastels, Ice Water, and Sushi (Fake or Cooked).  Anything salty
Linea Nigra: Yes, from below my belly button to my pubic area
Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans for sure or leggings, but I hope to never have to wear maternity top
Innie or Outie: Outie since the moment my belly popped

Symptoms:  Lower stomach pain as a result of intense constipation, tired and lethargic, I feel massive even though I am still pretty small, random nausea only a few days this week (still take Zofran when I feel nauseous), vomited only once when I ate too much too fast, hate the taste of any drink other then ice water, excessive saliva continues, massive heavy breasts (34-36 DD), nails are extra strong and extra long, and having to pee more frequently.