Saturday, May 24, 2014

22- 23 Weeks Pregnant Update

Weight: 143-144
Belly Measurement: 35 inches

1. Maternity Clothes - Only jeans, everything else I can still wear in junior sizes medium or large. Leggings, Yoga Pants, and Maxi dresses are my favorite.  I can dress any outfit up with a blazer!

2. Stretch Marks - None Yet, Thank You Jesus!

3. Best Moment this week - We finally decided on a baby name that we sincerely think we will stick with, and I also got to hear from my hubby which is always a great thing.

4. Food Cravings - Sushi (cooked or fake), Trinidadian Fish Pastels (I will be one happy women when I can get some), Fish Sandwhich, Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese

5. Anything Make You Queasy or Sick - Strong scents, perfumes, and odors

6. Belly button in or out - Out since about week 19

7. Linea Negra - Yes, from my belly button to my pubic area....nothing above that yet. 

8. Wedding rings on or off - Been off since the start of my pregnancy.  My skin has become very sensitive so they now give me rashes.  I only wear jewelry when I go out or when I film a video.  Before pregnancy I used to only be allergic to fake jewelry but now I am allergic to all jewelry including real gold.

9.  Happy or moody - Been moody my whole pregnancy, I can cry a happy cry or sad cry about just about anything

10.  Looking Forward to -  Seeing my baby, holding my baby, loving on my baby, and taking care of my baby.  Also looking forward to my hubby coming home.

11. Total Weight Gain - None since my pre-pregnancy weight.  But about 8-10 lbs since all the weight I lost during pregnancy.  Back to around 144-146, my pre-pregnancy weight was 150, so I am still below that.

12.  Movement or Flutters - Movement for sure, I can feel it on both inside and outside of my belly.

13.  Out of Breathe - For sure, sitting up, walking, wearing clothing especially a bra which puts pressure on my tummy all gets me out of breathe quickly

22 Weeks

23 weeks


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