Saturday, May 24, 2014

24 Week Pregnancy update

Weight: 147
Belly Measurement: 35 1/2''
Cravings: Soft and hard shell tacos, enchiladas, Hispanic food

Although I am doing so much better then I had been previously.  This week I feel as though I regressed a bit.  I had quite a few days of nausea and vomited 2 days out of the week.  Exhaustion has continued to get worse.  I have also experienced swollen ankles for the very first time ever, and hopefully the very last as well.  Swollen ankles was a result of pulling an all nighter (blogging, watching tv, editing, and watching youtube), and sitting upright in the same exact position with my feet flat on the floor for hours.  Yes I literally didn't move from around 11am - 5am.  Not a good idea for an exhausted preggo women.  That's not even a good idea for someone who is not pregnant, it is never good to sit in the same position for hours on end.  My ankles to my toes swelled up.  I feel completely out of shape, I still can not stay out for more then about 2 hours without feeling like I will just pass out.  I try to do 50 squats at least 3 days a week but that is honestly the most I can do.  Other then that the only other workout I get is walking about a store shopping for baby, food, and things I need as a result of my forever changing body.

Oh Yea I want to find a new OBGYN, I go in depth about why in the video below :/

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