Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

From the time I got married up until this very moment feels like a dream.  By no means is my life perfect, matter of fact its far from it.  But!!!  I feel like FINALLY all my life long dreams are coming to fruition.  Most people want to be Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers ect.  Most people dream about cars, houses, vacations ect.  Not that those dreams aren't just as important.  Obviously I've worked my butt off in school to obtain my Bachelors and Masters and want to be successful too.  It would also be wonderful to have some of the materialistic things that come with success.  My definition of true success has always been a bit different though.  I have always wanted to grow up to be the most amazing and selfless wife and mother!  All I ever really wanted was a family of my own.  This happens to be the one dream that is hardest to achieve because its not like everything else where you can work hard and put in long hours of studying to get where you want to be.  This dream is all left up to God and fate.  It doesn't happen until He thinks you are ready. There were plenty of times I thought I would never be deemed "ready" or worthy.  There were plenty of times I thought the one major dream I had since I was a very smallzz kid would never come to fruition or that I would have to wait a life time for the one thing that would truly bring me ultimate happiness.  So on this very day I am reminded of how blessed I truly am to have a mother that has been an amazing example, for a loving husband who works tirelessly to support his wife/family, and for the growing baby in my belly.  I feel like I finally have everything that I have ever wanted.  I STILL CAN NOT BELIEVE I AM A MOTHER TO BE!  Blessed beyond measure and grateful beyond words.  Thank you Jesus for my MOTHER, family, husband, and baby.

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